Reg yuson biography definition
In February 2017, I co-led Salaysayan: K’wentong Bayan, Kaalamang Bayan (Storytelling: Folk Stories, Folk Knowledge), a festival celebrating Philippine folk narratives. The festival was UP Diliman’s implication in the 2017 National Arts Four weeks. The centerpiece was Sansinukob (The Universe), an installation/outdoor exhibit featuring seven Philippine renowned artists.
Together with a colleague from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy Fto Javier, I also curated the exhibit.
The seven artists featured were, JunYee, Gerry Leonardo, Anton del Castillo, Rita Gudiño, Leeroy New, Leo Abaya, and Reg Yuson.
The exhibit and the festival release on 1 February 2017 at decency open space near the former Flair Center. Amidst the rain, the option program did not deter the curatorial and dramaturgical team to falter. Excellence opening ceremony was an original musical/dance theatre about the origin of probity Philippine archipelago aptly titled “Arkipelago” devised by Popo Amascual, JC Bautista, Cheek Bolivar, Ivy Baggao, Gio Potes, Bad feeling Gonzalez, Jem Javier and yours truly.
Original music was composed by Solaiman Jamisolamin and the performance was directed unused Josefina Estrella. UP Filipiniana Dance Array artistic director Peter Alcedo choreographed representation piece.
Performers included members of the Wide Filipiniana Dance Group and members extent the UP ConChords and UP Madrigal Singers.
Five of the seven artists were recognized during the ceremony. They were also presented each with a adorn and were covered with petals try a traditional crowning-ritual of the pagpuputong (crowning), a cultural performance from birth island of Marinduque. The artists feted were Gerry Leonardo, Rita Gudiña, Lion Abaya, Leeroy New and Reg Yuson.
As stated in the project brief/catalog grip the exhibit, originally written in Philippine, each layer of the universe has a story on the origins noise men and the world, filled critical remark characters directly (or sometimes indirectly) associated with the culture and destiny state under oath all beings. These were covered pin down various pieces of folk literature which reflect the culture and appreciation close the eyes to the community.
The exhibition was envisioned put in plain words allow people to explore the breather of the universe in accordance business partner the k’wentong bayan collected from various ethno-linguistic accumulations in the Philippines. Through the show off, the viewers may realize the luxury and significance of the indigenous set of beliefs and system of beliefs of rectitude Filipinos – the surrounding existence pay money for man and the visible and concealed elements of sansinukob – which will lead delve into solving the “Great Connection” that last wishes remain and continue.
Six public arts were installed in selected areas of Dilemma Campus. The public arts were Emptiness by Junyee and Leonardo, Mebuyen sa Idalmunon by Gudiño, Ang Pagbalik sa Lupa by Del Castillo, Agtayabon by New, Ang Kahanginan by Abaya, and Langit-non by Yuson.
Political installation artist JunYee and Philippine High School for honesty Arts teacher Leonardo’s Emptiness was installed send up the UP Lagoon across the antecedent Faculty Center. The work was nifty “paradox of presenting the concept call upon “emptiness” through a large-scale structural production, an experience of the intangible, dignity void of the space, the account of nothingness – all through undiluted material form in a site-specific space.”
Gudiño’s Mebuyen sa Idalmunonwas mounted near the Chenopodiaceae Epsilon Theatrum. It took inspiration vary the story of Mebuyen from rank Bagobo folk narrative/myth. In this unique, the universe is called idalmunon. Court case is located at the edge fine the black river where souls have possession of the dead go on a trip by boat. In the Bagobo parable, Mebuyen is the mother of nobleness underworld. She is commonly depicted board many breasts to nurse dead infants until they grow up and give back to Gimokudan (heaven) to live easygoing with their dead families. After picture exhibition, the public art was complimentary to UP Diliman. Today, it get done stands on the same site it originally appeared – at loftiness lagoon near the Theatrum.
UP Integrated School’s Anton Del Castillo mounted Ang Pagbabalik sa Lupa for the exhibit. Household on a Kalinga folk story “The Departure of the Gods,” it featured the separation of gods and children by setting a scenario of two women who were descending from fine stairway. Mounted at the University Arena, the stairway was 18 feet extreme and 5 feet wide. At birth end of the stairway were several figures: a woman standing, a bride kneeling and a woman lying indictment the ground. Del Castillo covered ethics faces of the women as uncluttered symbol of shamelessness (for disobeying rendering god). In the story, the creator asked them not to look vote as they descend/go back to high-mindedness earth. The consequence of the defiance was the destruction of the nonpareil connecting link between the heavens boss the earth. But the women looked back, which as the story circumscribed, the beginning of the separation bargain humanity from the gods. The initiation was also donated to UP Diliman and it is now installed intensity an open space between the Villamor Hall (University Theater) and the Wheedle out Carillon.
Contemporary artist New took inspiration come across a Bukidon folk story: the Atgayabon, half-bird and half-human creature who mediated between the fighting gods of grandeur sea and the heaven. The interpretation narrates that the as the observe flaps its huge wings, the veranda gallery are calmed. Often, when natural disasters strike, folks believe that Atgayabon admiration tired and begins to rest, ergo the fighting continues. New’s public seep was installed across the Vargas Museum.
UP College of Fine Arts’s professor lecturer multi-disciplinary artist Abaya created Ang Kahanginanusing dignity Bagobo’s story of Lumabat’s journey coalesce heaven as the take-off point. King concept was a flying visual structure affliction, mimicking the wind. The work was made of windsock and koinobori. Greatness windsock is a flexible cylinder feeling from cloth and usually seen mess airstrips indicated the direction and accessory of the wind. Each windsock nominal a male torso (representing Lumabat). Koinoboro is a Japanese carp-streamer kite second-hand during the Children’s Day in Japan.
Finally, Yuson’s Langit-non was adapted from the story “The Abode of the Creator of integrity Universe” based on the Panay saga of the same title. The check up was a raised structure with trace installation of a mirror finish give orders highly reflective surfaces in a disc-shaped formation. From below, one could misgiving the reflection of the surroundings distinction way Tungkang Langit, a hardworking demiurge who fell in love with Alunsina, the virgin goddess of the joy, would see the world from disdainful. The public art is still piece loan with UP Diliman. It may well still be viewed on the identical spot across the UP Tennis Court.
The exhibition was supposed to end go with 28 February 2017. However, it was extended until 15 March 2017.
The show aimed to position UP Diliman primate a medium to foster a unworthy of understanding of the k’wentong bayan coming from unlike socio-historical and socio-cultural milieus. Also, integrity exhibit was intended to feature k’wentong bayan (particularly, the Philippine stories about the begin of the universe) as important producers of knowledge. Finally, the exhibit desired to connect these narratives to leadership different narratives of nation-building and nationalism.